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  • David

    "Nice milk machine. The water is immediately at the right temperature, and the milk does not contain any lumps of powder. Shaking is no longer necessary. We are happy with the purchase."

  • Monique

    "We have been using this device for just over 3 weeks now. Works great! The bottle is ready in a few seconds. The device is very simple to use and can be easily cleaned. Highly recommended!"

  • Sarah

    "Within a few seconds, a bottle filled with the correct ratio. Very happy with it. Saves you some time compared to having to make it manually. The little one can also drink faster, so they are happy with it too."

1 van 3
Bottle ready in 7 seconds

Easy to use

Great value for money

Dutch brand

Your Questions Answered About the Magic Baby Formula Maker

Everything You Need to Know

How does the Magic Baby Formula Maker ensure the safety and hygiene of baby formula?

Our Magic Baby Formula Maker is designed with your baby's safety and hygiene as our top priority. It features components made from BPA-free, specialized food-grade materials. Additionally, the device employs a Thermoblock Heating Technique to maintain the ideal water temperature, ensuring each bottle is safely prepared to meet the highest standards of hygiene.

Can I use the Magic Baby Formula Maker with any brand of formula and type of bottle?

Absolutely! The Magic Baby Formula Maker is compatible with all types of baby formula and bottles. Its advanced Smart MCU Technology allows for precise adjustments to formula concentration, temperature, and volume, catering to varied baby needs and accommodating all bottle types to ensure a perfect feed every time.

What makes the Magic Baby Formula Maker a must-have for parents?

The convenience and precision it offers make it indispensable. With features like memory function for your settings, automated dispensing for consistency, and the ability to adjust temperature and concentration, it takes the guesswork out of bottle preparation. Plus, its safety sensors and child-safe lock feature ensure peace of mind for parents.

Is the Magic Baby Formula Maker easy to clean?

Yes, we've designed it with ease of use and cleaning in mind. The components that come into contact with formula and water are easily detachable, making them simple to clean and ensuring that you can maintain a hygienic environment for your baby's meals efficiently.

How quickly can I receive the Magic Baby Formula Maker after ordering?

We offer fast delivery within 2 days to Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium, ensuring you can start enjoying the benefits of your Magic Baby Formula Maker without delay. Plus, shipping is free to these countries.

What if I’m not satisfied with my purchase?

Your satisfaction is our priority. We offer a 30-day change-of-mind period with free returns, allowing you to shop with confidence knowing that we stand behind the quality and performance of our products.

How can I get assistance if I have questions or need support with my device?

Our dedicated 24/7 online support team is here to help you with any questions or assistance you may need. Whether it's a query about your order, product setup, or usage, we're just a message away, ensuring you have the support you need, whenever you need it.